Friday 2 November 2007

It's a... BABY!

Auntie Sarah came to our home very early (6am!) Mummy, Daddy and I got to the hospital at 7.20am.

Here is a picture of Mummy trying out the bed in the waiting-to-have-a-baby ward.

And here's Daddy too:

Mummy had been told that she was going to be the last caesarean of the day. But she was first! At 9.15am, she went into theatre. There was a bit of a delay while a scrub nurse was found. Then there was a bit of difficulty in doing Mummy's spinal anaesthetic. Things eventually got started at about 9.45am.

At 9.58am, I was born. Hello world! How do you do? My name is Jasper. My birth weight was 7lbs 7oz. This is equivalent to 3.36kg at sea level. My head was measured at 34.5cm (just over 13½"). And here I am...

I am proud to tell you that I am much more NOISY than my big brother Dirk was when he was born.

And here is Mummy giving me a cuddle. The consultant was still elbow deep at this point.

After a bit of fuss (she lost so much blood that she needed 3 litres of fluid to make it up), Mummy was all stitched up. At 11.18, we all went to a nice quiet room where we could have a proper cuddle.

Here I am having a peep at the world. What's that you say? Well, let's just say the jury's out!

A while later, we were taken up to the proper ward.

Peace at last!

Mummy and Daddy would like to thank all the staff involved in bringing me into the world. The anaesthetist and midwife in particular were outstanding professionals and a credit to the hospital.

To view well-wishers' messages or to leave a message yourself, click HERE.

Scorpio's horoscope for 2 November 2007: Your day is a bigger challenge than you may be used to, but of course you can rise up and meet it with relative ease. Try not to get too cocky about it, but make sure that the right people know you're still in the game.


Unknown said...

Yay! Congratulations, Withnails! He's beautiful!

Unknown said...

congratulations guys :) welcome to the world jasper!

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone!

Congratulations on the safe arrive of Jasper. Looking forward to seeing some photos.

Hope mum and baby are doing well.

Lots of love,

Linda and Jean-Pierre

Anonymous said...

dear elaine and family


welcome Jaspar :-)

hope you all settle in to the new family shape happily and that your recovery (Elaine) is quick.

hopefully will not be long before Jaspar has a playmate - i'm 37 weeks now :-)

see you at friday mums and tots hopefully after christmas

liz x

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you guys! So everything went smoothly than I hope?
I saw the pictures on the baby website! Erin posted a link on LFB!
Danny said Congrats to your family! YAY! Little Jasper is here!

Anonymous said...

Morning hun,

I know you are probably busy right now, (no, really?!!) but i'm off to work in a minute but I wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you

Will check back when I get home to see how you are going - breath and take all the drugs you are offered! lmao

Love and hugs to all,
Chez & Co xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dirk Withnail said...

Every breath you take and every move you make
Every bond you break, every step you take
I'll be watchin' you

Every single day and every word you say
Every game you play, every night you stay
I'll be watchin' you

Oh, can't you see
You belong to me
How my poor heart aches
With every step you'll take

Every move you make and every vow you break
Every smile you fake, every claim you stake
I'll be watchin' you

I keep cryin', baby, baby, please

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Withnail/Auchterlonie Family. Jasper is beautiful! God Bless you all...and best wishes!

Flora said...

Congratulations to the Withnail Family! He is absoulutely beautiful! Welcome to the world baby Jasper!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations ! Welcome 2 the world little jasper. How did it all go? How r u feeling ? Kate x

Anonymous said...

Hello little cutie Jasper,

We were so pleased to have finally met you. You are just soooo sweet and cuddly, it was hard to let go of you!

Lots of hugs and kisses
The Hack family

Anonymous said...

Lots of messages of congratulation from friends at La Femme Bonita. Please follow the link to read them all.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world little Jasper. It was lovely to meet you on Friday. We hope to see you again soon. Love from Kate, James and Cats xx

Anonymous said...

Hey there cutie!

Good to see you doing so well! Hope you are being good for your mummy!