Wednesday, 14 February 2007

Archive of Blog Title Graphics

Click an image to see full-size.

"Presents" was done in a bit of a hurry after a surprise visit by Chris.

"Scales" is for use with posts related to baby-weighings.

"Hypo" lets readers know of Jasper's innoculations.

"Christmas" - nuff said.

"Rubber Duck" marked Jasper's first home bath.

"Measuring" marked Jasper's first visit from the Helath Visitor. She weighed him and took the first ever measurement of his height (or length!)

"Registrar" was created in anticipation of Jasper's visit to the Register Office on 23 November.

"Guthrie" was created for Jasper's 7 November 2007 blood test.

"Luggage" was first used on 6 November 2007, to mark Jasper's return from hospital without Elaine.

"Champagne" for a birthday.


"Sleeping Babe v1.0" was used as the first splash at, to save me the bother of coding an automatic forward, which I always forget how to do, have to look up, cock up anyway, etc.

The first two blog titles to actually carry names. At the time of creation, of course, Mummy and Daddy didn't know which one would be applicable.

The first Baby Withnail graphic was done by Daddy when he had an overdose of Eye Candy Nature whilst under the influence of Monsters Inc.

This idea for a blog theme was abandoned before Jasper's birth.

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