Sunday, 14 October 2007

Final Naming Decision

The final decision* on my names has been made by Mummy and Daddy.

  • Boy: Jasper Diello Gene Withnail
  • Girl: Fenchurch Alice Nancy Withnail

Mummy: "We both just like this name instinctively."
Daddy: "It was the name of a character in a Terrance Dicks novel I read in 1980. Sir Jasper, as I recall. Funny how I always pictured him with black and yellow stripes."
Mummy: "It's a rather fetching stone. It's also an unusual name, but I think it's some way short of being out-and-out weird."
Daddy: "Which is more than you can say about Fenchurch!"

Mummy: "Not my idea, but I like it."
Daddy: "I'll put my hands up to this one... well, I'll put Douglas Adams's hands up."
Mummy: "He it was that gave us the name Dirk. I haven't read that book though."
Daddy: "That's right; Fenchurch is a key character in the book The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. But she's only mentioned in passing. She's not named until the fourth book in the trilogy."

Mummy: "We stole this name from the diary of Pauline Rieper (AKA Pauline Parker.) It was filmed as Heavenly Creatures by Peter Jackson in 1994."
Daddy: "Diello was prince of the fictional country of Borovnia, invented by Pauline and her friend Juliet Hulme. He's an appealing character because he's gallant and doesn't suffer fools gladly. On the other hand, he rampages as a toddler and continues in adulthood. As Juliet put it: 'The Queen's biggest problem is her renegade child, Diello, who has proven to be an uncontrollable little blighter who slaughters his nannies whenever the fancy takes him!'"
Mummy: "I have to live with this."

Daddy: "Literary again. In between asking the young Alice Liddell if he could possibly borrow a pair of her panties to mop his sopping brow, the incomparable Reverend Dodgson (AKA Lewis Carroll) created one of the most enduring female characters of English literature. I believe her to be a seminal gothic herione too."
Mummy: "I believe you are being a pretentious prat. Alice is simply a nice name. It looks nice written down and sounds nice too. And the chavs are so busy with Jasmine and Chardonnay that they haven't noticed it."

Daddy: "Anything happens to this car and I'm gonna come round yer house and stamp on all yer toys!"
Mummy: "He means he got the idea from Life on Mars."

Mummy and Daddy: "SIDNEY!!!"
Baby: "If you need it explained, you wouldn't approve and had better get beck to The Archers. That's what Daddy's done!

* (Opinions not invited.)

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