Thursday 9 August 2007

Twenty-seven Weeks Pregnant

Now I'm really starting to get big. This week I weigh almost 2lbs and I'm nearly 14½" long. I now sleep and wake at regular intervals. I sometimes like to suck my fingers, and although my lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with assistance — if I decided I'd had enough of being stuck in here - so watch it! When I get hiccoughs, Mummy can feel it.

I open my eyes sometimes... betcha wish you could see what colour they are! (Actually, I wish I could see something more with them!) The nerve pathways to my ears are complete now, so I can pay much more attention to daytime soaps and heavy metal.

With more brain tissue developing, I’m doing a lot of thinking these days…

Although my "due date" is 91 days away, I'm hoping to be in Mummy's arms in only 84 days, because I'm being delivered by caesarean section.

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