Monday 21 May 2007

They seek me here, they seek me there...

Mummy went to see the midwife this morning. The midwife took some of Mummy's blood and then tried to hear my heart. But I decided to hide, and Mummy had to go all the way to the hospital, on the bus, to be scanned with the quality kit once more. Here is the picture they took of me there:

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In the picture, I am face-down. The curved line in the middle is my spine. The "V" shape to the left is my thigh and shin. My head and face are on the right.

Daddy was sorry to have missed the adventure... he had to stay at home because he wasn't very well in the night.

1 comment:

  1. nice scarlet pimpernel reference. I'm the only american that got it :)
