Thursday 24 May 2007

Sixteen Weeks Pregnant

At 4½" long (head to bottom) and 3½ ounces, I am about the size of an avocado. In the next three weeks, I'll go through a tremendous growth spurt though, doubling my weight and adding inches to my length. My lower limbs are much more developed now. My head is more erect than it has been, and my eyes have moved toward the front of my head. My ears are close to their final position, too. Some of my more advanced body systems are working, including my circulatory system and urinary tract. My heart is now pumping about 50 pints of blood each day, circulating my total blood volume through my body many times. (By the end of the pregnancy, this will increase to about 380 pints.) The patterning of my scalp has begun, though my hair isn't recognizable yet. Although closed, my eyes are moving (slowly), and I've even started growing toenails.

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