Thursday, 29 November 2007

Visit from Granny

Granny came to visit today. She says my hands and feet are tiny.

Wednesday, 28 November 2007

First proper bath!

"Do I want a WHAT?!!"

My first bath since coming home! Admittedly, the timing is a bit Withnailian, but when you see my reaction, you'll understand why I wasn't in any hurry...

(Big Brother Dirk seems to think it's funny. But then, he's a funny guy... he likes baths!

Monday, 26 November 2007

Health Visitor

The Health Visitor came at 10.30am today. She measured my weight and length. My weight is now 8 lbs and I am 51.5cm long. And for anybody who wants to buy me a hat for Christmas, my head circumference is 36cm.

Friday, 23 November 2007

Registration of Birth

This afternoon Mummy and Daddy took me to be registered. Now I'm on the bureaucracy radar I suppose I can apply for a passport, get into debt, have my phone tapped and be sent to prison.

Here's the proof:

Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Ev'rybody loves me, Nobody hates me...

Here's my Big Brother Dirk. He's very proud of me. Naturally.

"I'm here for you mate..."

...I reassure him.

Granny bought me a proper chair from which to control my Evil Empire. It doesn't have bat wings or laser beams, but it vibrates. I find this very soothing.

Everybody thinks I'm great. I don't think I'll go and eat worms.
Like Dirk!

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Wide-eyed Boy

Mummy took this photograph in our living room using her mobile phone.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

The UK Chief Medical Officer has recommended that if parents want to avoid their children being subject to any possible risk that might be identified in the future, the way to do so is to exercise their choice not to let their children use mobile phones.

Sunday, 18 November 2007

He'll say "are you married?" We'll say "No man!"

Mummy's giving out the cuddles!

And what's this stuff? It falls so white and slow and quiet... It needs a nice gentle, quiet name, like... S-N-O-O-Z-E, or S-L-O-W, or S-N-O-W! That's it, SNOW! Is that a good name? Perhaps I can think of a better one later when I've figured out what it's for because there certainly seems to be a helluva lot of it!

Friday, 16 November 2007

Weights and Measures

Today, I visited the midwives at Greenside Children's Centre. They had a good look at me and said that I have all my bits and am "perfect." I am 3.44kg, which is 80g more than when I was born, and 240g more than last time! Mummy-Milk is BEST!!!

Sunday, 11 November 2007

Meeting my Uncle

Today, my Uncle Lindsay came to visit me. He gave me a very long cuddle.

After that, lying in my cot just wasn't the same...

Saturday, 10 November 2007

Seeing Double!

Will the real Slim Withnail please stand up!

(Clue: I'm the one with the SLIM legs!)

Friday, 9 November 2007

Cruisin' and Snoozin'

I'm a whole week old!
This afternoon, Mummy, Daddy and I all went to meet my Big Brother Connor from his badminton club. It was nearly dark when we got home... we all had a nap!

Thursday, 8 November 2007

Wednesday, 7 November 2007


Daddy was very busy today, so I got most of my cuddles from Mummy.

Midwives Visit

This morning, two midwives came to visit me and Mummy. They weighed me and took some blood from my heel for the Guthrie Test.

I was very brave about the prick in my heel. I am 3.2kg which is 160g fewer than on my birthday, but small weight loss in a baby's first days is not unusual.

Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Homecoming King

I arrived home with Mummy this afternoon. This is my road.

This is my new bed. Just right for a good wriggle!

This is my big brother Dirk. He seems to think I'm lovely... well he ain't blind!

I'am glad somebody's happy! I had my BCG injection today and it hurts.

Scorpio's horoscope for 6 November 2007: Eat a really good breakfast, because this day will be quite a marathon!

Monday, 5 November 2007

Another test!

That dratted woman with the hearing test paraphernalia came back, like, again. I was like I'm sleeping, and she was like Good that's easier, so I was like Go on then do it, and she was like I will then, so I was like WHATEVER!

Oh well, at least I can listen to stuff now.

Elemental Babyhood





The bottom two photos were actually taken yesterday by Mummy. The lady is my Auntie Caroline.

Wanted on Voyage

Sunday, 4 November 2007

Lots of visitors

Mummy's very tired. She has had lots of injections anf things. Chin up Mummy... only a couple of decades to go, and then I'll probably be able to take care of myself. Except laundry, I s'pose.

Oh, and meals. I can't imagine life without Mummy milk. I just can't get enough right now!

This little boy is Dirk's best friend Sebastian. The lady in red is Mummy's friend Nathalie.

It's a strange thing, but Sebastian told me that she's Mummy.
"That's not Mummy", I told him, "Do I look like I was born yesterday?"
"No," said he, "more like the day before!"

That's Sebastian's Daddy Sylvester on the right.

Auntie Sarah came too. She gave me lots of lovely cuddles, which is what counts in this life, as far as I'm concerned.

Here are some videos:

Scorpio's horoscope for 4 November 2007:
You've got good friends and you are feeling even more affectionate than usual. Now is a great time to just hang out with them, or to take part in shared activities, even those that aren't your first choice.

Saturday, 3 November 2007

Exam Results

I got my APGAR test results back today. They were as follows:

  • 1 minute: 8
  • 5 minutes: 9

This score — developed by anesthesiologist Virginia Apgar in 1952 and now used in modern hospitals worldwide — rates a baby's appearance, pulse, responsiveness, muscle activity, and breathing with a number between zero and 2 (2 being the strongest rating). The numbers are added, and 10 is considered a perfect score.

Mummy and Daddy seemed quite pleased with how I'd done. But I was a little disappointed to have missed the Perfect 10. I'll just have to study harder for my next test!

APGAR stands for Activity, Pulse, Grimace, Appearance, and Respiration - Virginia had an amazingly apt surname! Here's how they were used to rate me:

Activity (muscle tone)
0 — Limp; no movement
1 — Some flexion of arms and legs
2 — Active motion

Pulse (heart rate)
0 — No heart rate
1 — Fewer than 100 beats per minute
2 — At least 100 beats per minute

Grimace (reflex response)
0 — No response to airways being suctioned
1 — Grimace during suctioning
2 — Grimace and pull away, cough, or sneeze during suctioning

Appearance (colour)
0 — The baby's whole body is completely bluish-gray or pale
1 — Good colour in body with bluish hands or feet
2 — Good colour all over

Respiration (breathing)
0 — Not breathing
1 — Weak cry; may sound like whimpering, slow or irregular breathing
2 — Good, strong cry; normal rate and effort of breathing.

Today they also tried to give me a hearing test*. I have mucus, which means they'll have to try again another day.

* The Hearing Test was invented by Dr Ainsley J Hearingtest in 1492.

A real eye-opener!

Today I have been taking a good look around. And doing my Mel Smith impersonation.

But it's a tiring job...

A guy needs to keep up his strength...

But I don't need this!

If you wanna test my hearing, why not just pop a paper bag?!!

Mummy's very pleased with herself. Quite right too!

I'd heard she was a looker, but she's got to be the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!

Scorpio's horoscope for 3 November 2007: Secrets aren't always scandalous -- and nobody knows that better than you. It's a good day to rethink how much information you've decided to make public and maybe to open up on some issue.