Friday 22 June 2007

Twenty Week Scan

Today I made another Guest Appearance on television! Mummy, Daddy and Big Brother Dirk all watched me wriggle and squirm on the Ultrasound monitor at hospital. Everything was tickety-boo. Here's my photo:

I tried to hide again, but I'm just too big now! Alas, my days of playing Das Boot with the sonographer are long gone! She took lots of readings and measurements. My cerebellum, for instance, is 20mm. Don't ask me whether that's height, depth or width, 'cos she didn't say! She estimated my weight the be 325g which, apart from being the Minnesota Statute's Chapter on Consumer Protection, is the same mass (NOT weight Ms Wilson!) as a jar of Mars Galaxy Instant!

The graph below shows my Biparietal Diameter (that's head width, dummy!) The measurement was 46mm, which is exactly average!

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This graph shows Femur Length. My measurement today was 32mm which means my thigh is the tiniest bit longer than average!

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This graph shows Head Circumference. Mine was 174mm this afternoon. This is as near to average as makes no odds.

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Lastly, here's the graph for Abdominal Circumference. My twenty-week measurement was 147mm - average again!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Here's the whole data sheet:
Sorry about the atrocious spelling... NHS cutbacks, I suppose!

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